Strategies for increasing staff performance 

Dates - 2023:

- to be advised

Time: 8:30am - 4:00pm

Location: to be advised

Cost: $497 / per person

We all have the same amount of time, yet the way we allocate time is different for each person. Why you might ask, is because each of us see the world differently. Our values and beliefs, behaviour preferences and fears all contribute to the way in which we allocate time.

Let’s add to that, when we are working for our clients, they have a different way of allocating time as well, that can make our allocation of time different from how we would allocate ourselves.

All the instruments that we use for time management will not be of use if we don’t value them or fill them in (which takes time).

In this session we will discuss behavioural preference styles. It is from here that we can establish how each of us allocates time. Some who value detail may be slower at the completing, remember this applies to your clients as well.

Join Doug Gillanders as he explores alternative ways that you can leverage your behaviour preferences in your time management to your advantage.

At the end of this short course, you would have learnt:

Understanding business and personal values

Behavioural difference

How you and others view and manage time

Dispelling Staff Appraisal myths

Recognise and value staff contribution

  • Places are limited to 10 only
  • Morning tea & snacks provided
  • Learning resources included

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Strategies for increasing staff performance

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